
    • The Department of Fundamental Mechanics


      The Department of Fundamental Mechanics takes charge of the fundamental Mechanics teaching for engineering students of Chongqing University. The main courses including Theoretical Mechanics, Material Mechanics, Engineering Mechanics, and etc

    • The Department of Aerospace Engineering


      The Department of Aerospace Engineering (DAE) was founded in 2014 with the development of the discipline and the major of aerospace engineering. The Department offers Master’s and Professional Master’s degree in Aerospace Science and Technology as a first-level discipline (enroll students in mechanical engineering field and energy power field, respectively), and Bachelor’s degree in Aerospac...

    • The Department of Engineering Mechanics


      The Department of Engineering Mechanics (DEM) was founded in 1959. The department was originated from the former Mechanics Teaching and Research Group established in 1948. Since the establishment of the major of Engineering Mechanics in 1978, a large number of well-trained undergraduates and postgraduates have been cultivated. The department has trained one Member of the Communist Party of Chin...

    • Administration Office


      College of Aerospace Engineering General Office Address:210, Science BuildingTel: +86 023-65102510Liu Chang: Chief of College Office, Secretary of Human Resources, Deputy Director of College Media Center.Jiang Yang: Logistic Management.Scientific Research & Finance OfficeAddress:208, Science BuildingTel: +86 023-65102510Wu Dan: Party Committee Organizer, Financial Staff. Li Wei: Secretary of ...

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